Thursday, October 23, 2008

Funny stuff

This blog entry had me chuckling:

The rest of this blog is pretty consistently funny as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That indeed was quite funny.

So the funniest part of this to me was the comments people were making after it. Some of the people totally missed the sarcasm and were taking his advice seriously and adding even more advice the likes of which he was mocking.

Consider the following example:
"You left out what you should enter under "Religious Views." You can't just say "Christian." ... In all honesty, one of my friends has one of the coolest religious views entries I've seen: "I'm trading in my worldly uniform for a crucified jersey." I actually think that's pretty awesome, and I would steal it except you can't go around stealing other people's profile phrases."

"I'm trading in my worldly uniform for a crucified jersey"?!?!?!